Proceedings of SMIP06 Seminar on Utilization of Strong-Motion Data

​Proceedings of SMIP06 Seminar on Utilization of Strong-Motion Data

September 28, 2006

Oakland, California


Edited by Moh Huang

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Table of Contents


Rupture Process of the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake Utilizing Near-Fault Seismic Records and Implications for ShakeMap
Douglas Dreger and Ahyi Kim


Implications of Rupture Process and Site Effects in the Spatial Distribution and Amplitude of the Near-Fault Ground Motion From the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake
Arben Pitarka, Nancy Collins, Hong-Kie Thio, Robert Graves and Paul Somerville


Instability Inducing Potential of Near Fault Ground Motions
Dionisio Bernal, Arash Nasseri and Yalcin Bulut


Development of Improved Intensity Measures and Improved ShakeMaps for Loss Estimation and Emergency Response
Eduardo Miranda, Marios Kyriakides and Qiang Fu


Study of Wood-Frame Building Records From the Parkfield and San Simeon Earthquakes
Daniel Sutoyo and John Hall


Seismic Response of the Hwy 46/Cholame Creek Bridge During the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake
B. Tom Boardman, Anthony V. Sanchez, Geoff Martin, Zia Zafir, Edward Rinne and Joe Tognoli


Overview of the Turkey Flat Ground Motion Prediction Experiment
Charles R. Real, Anthony F. Shakal and Brian E. Tucker


Recorded Data and Preliminary Review of Predictions in the Turkey Flat Blind Prediction Experiment for the September 28, 2004 Parkfield Earthquake
Anthony Shakal, Hamid Haddadi and Charles Real