Issue Papers, Technical Reports and Guidelines

Issue Papers

NOTE: To obtain print prices please search the CGS Publications Database.

Publication ID

Publication Name and Description


[Online File Only] White Paper: An Evaluation of Future Earthquake Losses in California. This paper presents the results of a statewide evaluation of future earthquake losses.Online
CGS Bulletin 210/AEG Special Publication 12 Engineering Geology Practice in Northern California. The California Geological Survey and the Association of Engineering Geologists produced this volume of case studies, review papers and how-to papers summarizing the state-of-practice of engineering geology in northern California. 2002, 659 p.
Print only
B 198 Urban Geology Master Plan for California, 1973, 112 p.Print only
SP 101 Technical and Economic Feasibility of an Earthquake Warning System in California, 1989Print only
SP 45 Meeting the Earthquake Challenge, The Final Report to the Legislature by the Joint Committee on Seismic Safety, 1974Print only
SP 63 Status of Volcanic Prediction and Emergency Response Capabilities in Volcanic Hazard Zones of California, 1982Print only
SP 108 An Analysis of the Seismic Hazard Information Needs of the Insurance Industry, Local Government, and Property Owners in California, 1990Print only
OFR 86-14 Revegetation of Disturbed Land in California: An Element of Mined Land Reclamation, 1986Print only
OFR 84-26 Seismicity Near Aswan High Dam, Egypt, with Applications to Induced Seismicity in California, 1984Print only
OFR 78-06 Geologic Study of the Underground Siting of Nuclear Power Plants, California, 1978Print only

Technical Reports and Guidelines

NOTE: To obtain print prices please search the CGS Publications Database.

Publication ID

Publication Name and Description


CD 2003-05

Ridge-Top Spreading in California, Contributions Toward Understanding a Significant Seismic Hazard: by Earl W. Hart, 2003. Contains a digital collection of seven contributions on ridge-top cracking and spreading and the landforms associated with this process in California. The ridge-top landforms addressed in this volume occur almost exclusively in seismically active regions of California and some of the landforms have been fracturing caused by seismic shaking. This leads to the conclusion that seismic shaking may play a role in creating ridge-top spreading and associated landforms in California. 
Print only

SP 123

Rehabilitation of Disturbed Lands in California: A Manual for Decision Making. Special Publication 123 represents the compilation of information on vegetation, rehabilitation and restoration that has become available in the last 20 years. This manual focuses on moderately to severely disturbed lands, such as those commonly associated with mining. The information in this manual should also provide planners and practitioners of less disturbed areas with a guide for designing projects in a wide variety of other situations where rehabilitation is needed. Included 112 page appendix containing information on plant species commonly used in rehabilitation by geographic subregions.Print only

SP 51

California Surface Mining and Reclamation Policies and Procedures, prepared by the California State Mining and Geology Board in cooperation with Office of Mine and Reclamation and Division of Mines and Geology.  Third revision, January 2000. Contents: Surface Mining and Reclamation Act and Related Codes, State Mining and Geology Board Regulations, State Mining and Geology Board Guidelines. 168 p.Print only
SP 42 Fault-Rupture Hazard Zones in California, Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act with Index to Earthquake Fault Zone Maps
SP 98 Fluvial Geomorphology and River-Gravel Mining: A Guide for Planners, Case Studies Included, 1990Print only
SP 117
Guidelines for Evaluating and Mitigating Seismic Hazards Online
Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975
Note 41 General Guidelines for Reviewing Geologic Reports
Note 45
Guidelines for Geologic Reports for Timber Harvesting Plans Online
Note 48 Checklist for the Review of Engineering Geology and Seismology Reports for California Public Schools, Hospitals, and Essential Services Buildings Online
Note 49 Guidelines for Evaluating the Hazard of Surface Fault RuptureOnline
Note 50 Factors Affecting Landslides in Forested Terrain Online
SR 155 Stabilization of Landslides: Effects of Various Chemicals on the Laboratory Shear Strength of an Expansive Soil, 1984Print only
SP 59 Proceedings of Mines Land Reclamation Workshop, June 11-12, 1980, 1982Print only
SR 163 Surface and Groundwater Management in Surface Mined-Land Reclamation, 1989Print only
SP 121 Summary of Outreach Activities for California's Seismic Hazards Mapping Program, 1996-1998, 2000—From 1996 through 1998, the Department of Conservation's Division of Mines and Geology developed and released 40 maps that identify areas where liquefaction and landslide hazards probably are present. These state Seismic Hazard Zone Maps were distributed to affected cities and counties who must, in turn, require site-specific investigations prior to approving most types of development and issuing permits. This report describes, in considerable detail, the methods that DMG used to disseminate the maps and related information to more than 100 cities and four counties, and to the many consulting engineers, engineering geologists, and real estate professionals that by law will participate in implementing various provisions of California Seismic Hazards Mapping Act. Contents: Executive Summary, Historical Background, Seismic Hazards Mapping Act of 1990, Outreach Activities and Information Aids, In-Depth Survey of Four Local Agencies, Meetings With Local Governments and Lessons Learned, Conclusions and Recommendations, 5 appendices, and 1 plate.Print only
SP 124 Guidelines for Geologic Investigations of Naturally Occurring Asbestos in California, 2003. This report details guidelines that have been developed as a starting point for geologists involved in conducting or reviewing naturally occurring asbestos investigations. Online
OFR 90-04 Nursery Sources for California Native Plants (Revised), 1995Print only
OFR 89-14 A Bibliography of Volcanic Tremors and Related Phenomena, 1989Print only
OFR 89-26 Seismic System Design Concepts for a California Rapid Earthquake Assessment Program, 1989Print only
OFR 81-10a Description of the Electronic Data Processing Capability Developed to Manage Stratigraphic Sample Data and Geotechnical Measurements (Technical Supplement to OFR 81-10) , 1981Print only
OFR 79-11 Feasibility of Using Neogloboquadrina Pachyderma Coiling for Chronostratigraphic Datums in Quaternary Application to Dating Fault Movement, 1979Print only