Publications - Sonoma County


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Sonoma County Geology Publications





PUBLICATION NAME/DESCRIPTION  -  See CGS publications for latest prices

AMM 2Aeromagnetic Map of the Santa Rosa Quadrangle, California, 1988, scale 1:250,000
B 183Franciscan and Related Rocks and Their Significance in the Geology of Western California, 1964, scale 1:4,800,000
B 207Geology of the California Continental Margin, 1988, 110 p. (Companion volume to CMM 1 through 7)
BGM 2Bouguer Gravity Map of the Santa Rosa Quadrangle, California, 1988, scale 1:250,000
CMM 6Geology of the North-Central California Continental Margin, 1989, 4 sheets, scale 1:250,000
MS 9Geology of the Kelseyville [15'] Quadrangle, Lake, Mendocino, and Sonoma Counties, California, 1968, scale 1:62,500
RGM 2Geologic Map of the Santa Rosa Quadrangle, California, 1982, scale 1:250,000 (set of 5 sheets)
SP 109Geologic Excursions in Northern California: San Francisco to the Sierra Nevada (For Joint Meeting of Geological Society of America and Seismological Society of America), 1991, 130 p.
    SP 119Geologic Field Trips in Northern California (For the Cordilleran Section of the Geological Society of America), 1999, 254 p.
    OFR 89-03Complete Bouguer Gravity Map of the Napa Valley Area, Napa and Sonoma Counties, California, 1989, scale 1:24,000
    OFR 88-05Preliminary Geologic Map of the Northwest Quarter of the Santa Rosa [7.5'] Quadrangle, Sonoma County, California, 1988, scale 1:24,000
    OFR 85-14Complete Bouguer Gravity and Aeromagnetic Maps With Geology and Thermal Wells and Springs of the Santa Rosa-Sonoma Area, Napa and Sonoma Counties, California, 1985, scale 1:48,000
    OFR 81-15Complete Bouguer Gravity Map of the Calistoga and St. Helena [15'] Quadrangles, Napa and Sonoma Counties, California, 1981, scale 1:62,500  
    OFR 79-15Environmental Geologic Analysis of the Chalk Hill Road Study Area, Sonoma County, California, 1979
    OFR 78-07Principal Facts and Sources for 1,607 Gravity Stations on the Santa Rosa 1° By 2° Quadrangle, California, 1978

    Sonoma County Geohazards & Environmental Geology Publications






    CD 2002-08Maps, GIS Data and Geologic Report for the Watershed Mapping Series, Map Set 5, Gualala River Watershed, Sonoma County and Mendocino Counties, California. Contains the digital database for the maps Geologic and Geomorphic Features Related to Landsliding, Relative Landslide Potential with Geologic and Geomorphic Features, and Potential Restoration Sites and Habitat Limiting Factors for the Gualala River Watershed. GIS data include landslides, geomorphology, stream features, and geology. For detailed file information, see Release Statement.
    PR 16Geology for Planning on the Sonoma County Coast Betwen the Russian and Gualala Rivers, California, 1972
    PR 20Geology for Planning on the Sonoma County Coast Between the Russian River and Estero Americano, California, 1973
    SP 61Earthquake Planning Scenario for a Magnitude 8.3 Earthquake on the San Andreas fault in San Francisco Bay Area, 1982
    OFR 82-23Script and Slides for Earthquake Planning Scenario Presentation on the San Francisco Bay Area, California, 1982
    SP 78Earthquake Planning Scenario for a Magnitude 7.5 Earthquake on the Hayward fault in San Francisco Bay Area, 1982
    SP 112Planning Scenario for a Major Earthquake on the Rodgers Creek Fault in Northern San Francisco Bay Area, 1994
    SP 113Proceedings of the Second Conference on Earthquake Hazards in the Eastern San Francisco Bay Area, 1992
    SR 97Geologic and Engineering Aspects of San Francisco Bay Fill, 1969, 130 p., 4 plates, scale 1:80,000. Contains 6 papers on the topic, plus maps of Bay Area geology, bay mud thicknesses and bedrock contours.
    SR 120Geology for Planning in Sonoma County, 1980 (Reprinted)
    SR 134Erosion Along Dry Creek, Sonoma County, California, 1977
    SR 142Geology and Slope Stabilty in Selected Parts of the Geysers Geothermal Area [Sonoma County], California, 1980
    OFR 90-10Microfiche Copies of Fault Evaluation Reports for Northern California [Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Del Norte, El Dorado, Humboldt, Lake, Mendocino, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, Siskiyou, Solano, Sonoma, Trinity, Tuolumne, Yolo, and Yuba Counties], California, 1990
    OFR 86-05Landslide Hazards in the Southeastern Part of the Petaluma Dairy Belt, Sonoma County, California, Landslide Hazard Identification Map No. 1, 1986, scale 1:24,000
    OFR 83-10Summary Report: Fault Evaluation Program, 1981-1982 Area—Northern Coast Ranges Region [Colusa, Del Norte, Glenn, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, Shasta, Siskiyou, Solano, Sonoma, Tehama, and Trinity Counties], California, 1983
    OFR 81-12Geology and Slope Stability of the West Sebastopol Study Area, Sonoma County, California, 1981
    OFR 77-13Environmental Geologic Analysis of the Porter Creek Study Area, Sonoma County, California, 1977
    OFR 76-03Geologic Factors in Coastal Zone Planning: Schooner Gulch to Gualala River, Mendocino County, California, 1976
    OFR 76-04Geologic Factors in Coastal Zone Planning: Russian Gulch to Buckhorn Cove, Mendocino County, California, 1976
    OFR 72-25Geology for Planning in the Sonoma Mountain and Mark West-Reibli Road Areas, Sonoma County, California, 1972


    Sonoma County Mineral Resource Publications

    B 193Gold Districts of California—Sesquicentennial Edition, California Gold Discovery to Statehood, Seventh Printing, 1998, 186 p., 1 plate, scale 1:1,000,000. An overall guide to gold deposits in California, this bulletin describes the principal features of each gold-bearing district. Longer descriptions of selected districts cover location and extent, history, geology and character of gold deposits, list of mines and bibliography.
    B 194The Mineral Economics of the Carbonate Rocks and Limestone and Dolomite Resources of California, 1973, 60 p., 2 plates, scale 1:1,000,000
    B 197Limestone, Dolomite, and Shell Resources of the Coast Ranges Province, California, 1978, 103 p., 2 plates, scale 1:1,000,000 and 1:62,500
    SR 146 (PART I)Mineral Land Classification: Aggregate Materials in the San Francisco-Monterey Bay Area [Central California], 1986
    SR 146 (PART III)Mineral Land Classification: Aggregate Materials in the North San Francisco Bay Production-Consumption Region [Marin, Napa and Sonoma Counties, California], 1987
    OFR 83-07Report For the California Energy Commission: Geophysical Study of the Rohnert Park Geothermal Prospect, Sonoma County, California, 1983
    OFR 83-08Report For the California Energy Commission: Geophysical Study of the Sonoma State Hospital Area Geothermal Prospect, Sonoma County, California, 1983
    OFR 83-09Geophysical Study of the Santa Rosa Geothermal Area, Sonoma County, California—June 1982, 1983
    OFR 83-13Investigation of Low-Temperature Geothermal Resources in the Sonoma Valley Area, Sonoma and Napa Counties, California, 1983
    OFR 84-29Geothermal Resources Investigations of the Sonoma Valley Area, Napa and Sonoma Counties, California, 1984
    OFR 83-27Geothermal Resources of the Northern Sonoma Valley Area, Sonoma County, California, 1983