Publications - San Benito County


San Benito County

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San Benito County Geology Publications


PUBLICATION NAME/DESCRIPTION  -  See CGS publications for latest prices

CD 2002-04Geologic Map of Monterey 30' x 60' Quadrangle and Adjacent Areas, California: A Digital Database. This CD contains a digital database including two colored versions of the geologic map, one overlaying a shaded-relief map and one without the shaded-relief map. There is also a colored explanation of the map units. Graphic files include Adobe Acrobat pdf and Postscript files. GIS files in ArcInfo export format (uncompressed .e00) are also included.
B 183Franciscan and Related Rocks and Their Significance in the Geology of Western California, 1964, scale 1:4,800,000
BGA 20Bouguer Gravity Map of California: Santa Cruz Sheet, (Revised) 1980, scale 1:250,000
GAM 20Geologic Map of California: Santa Cruz Sheet, 1965, scale 1:250,000
RGM Map No. 1Geologic Map of the Monterey 30' x 60' Quadrangle and Adjacent Areas, California, 2003. This map was compiled from geologic maps covering the Monterey 1:100,000 scale quadrangle, part of the Palo Alto 1:100,000 scale quadrangle, and Monterey Bay, between latitudes 36º30' and 37º00' north to approximately 122º20'00" west longitude. 3 color plates, map scale 1:100,000.
MS 5Geology of the Western Vallecitos Syncline, San Benito County, California, 1965, scale 1:31,250
SP 119Geologic Field Trips in Northern California (For the Cordilleran Section of the Geological Society of America), 1999, 254 p.

OFR 93-01

Geology of the Hollister and San Felipe Quadrangles, San Benito, Santa Clara, and Monterey Counties, California, 1993
OFR 88-07Aeromagnetic Map of the Monterey 1° By 2.2° Quadrangle, California, 1988, scale 1:250,000
OFR 78-14Principal Facts and Sources for 1,734 Gravity Stations on the Santa Cruz (Monterey) 1° By 2° Quadrangle, California, 1978
OFR 69-16Reconnaissance Geologic Map of the Hernandez Valley [15'] Quadrangle [Monterey and San Benito Counties], California, 1969, scale 1:62,500


San Benito County Geohazards & Environmental Geology Publications




SR 91Short Contributions to California Geology, 1967
SR 138Distribution of Heavy Elements Hazardous to Health, Salinas Valley Region [Monterey, San Benito, and San Luis Obispo Counties], California, 1980

OFR 94-02

Landslide Hazards in the Hollister Area, San Benito County, California¾ Landslide Hazards Identification Map No. 30, 1994, scale 1:24,000

OFR 94-03

Landslide Hazards in the Tres Pinos and Paicines Area, San Benito County, California¾ Landslide Hazards Identification Map No. 31, 1994, scale 1:24,000
OFR 86-03Summary Report: Fault Evaluation Program, 1984-1985 Area — Southern Coast Ranges Region and Other Areas [Monterey, San Beniro, San Luis Obispo, and Santa Barbara Counties], California, 1986
OFR 81-03Summary Report: California Fault Evaluation Program, 1979-1980 Area — South San Francisco Bay Region (and Other Areas) [Alameda, Contra Costa, Mendocino, San Benito, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz Counties, California], 1981
OFR 81-07The Sargent, San Andreas, and Calaveras Fault Zones: Evidence for Recency in Watsonville East, Chittenden, and San Felipe [7.5] Quadrangles, [Monterey, San Benito, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz Counties], California, 1981 (map only)
OFR 68-03Preliminary Map Showing Traces of the Calaveras Fault Zone in the City of Hollister, San Benito County, California, 1968


San Benito County Mineral Resource Publications


B 194The Mineral Economics of the Carbonate Rocks and Limestone and Dolomite Resources of California, 1973, 60 p., 2 plates, scale 1:1,000,000
B 197Limestone, Dolomite, and Shell Resources of the Coast Ranges Province, California, 1978, 103 p., 2 plates, scale 1:1,000,000 and 1:62,500
SP 49California Jade: A Collection of Reprints, 1976
  • Nephrite Jade and Associated Rocks of the Cape San Martin Region, Monterey County, California, 1951
  • Nephrite in Marin County, California, 1951
  • Jadeite in San Benito County, California, 1951
  • Intrusive Ultramafic Rocks and Their Metamorphic Relationships at Leech Lake Mountain, Mendocino County, California, 1963
  • Nephrite Jade in Mariposa County, California, 1966
SR 146 (PART I)Mineral Land Classification: Aggregate Materials in the San Francisco-Monterey Bay Area [Central California], 1986
SR 146 (PART IV)Mineral Land Classification: Aggregate Materials in the Monterey Bay Production-Consumption Region [Monterey, San Benito, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz Counties, California], 1987

OFR 99-01

Update of Mineral Land Classification: Aggregate Materials in the Monterey Bay Production-Consumption Region [parts of Monterey, San Benito, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz counties], 1999, scales 1:48,000 to 1:100,000
OFR 88-18Mineral Land Classification of the Pearce Quarry Site, Hollister [7.5'] Quadrangle, San Benito County, California—For Aggregate Materials, 1988