Preliminary Processed Strong-Motion Data for the Landers Earthquake of 28 June 1992: Release No. 1

​OSMS 94-13

by CSMIP Staff

Click on the link below for the full text:

Preliminary Processed Strong-Motion Data for the Landers Earthquake of 28 June 1992: Release No. 1 (Adobe PDF (SIZE 1.6 MB)) - Requires Adobe​ Acrobat Reader or other PDF viewer.


The attached plots are for the records from 6 selected ground-response stations for the 28 June 1992 Landers earthquake. For each station there is a set of plots which is identified by an index number at the upper corner of each page as follows:

  Set No.  

  Station Name  

  No. of Channels  


Yermo - Fire Station



Barstow - Vineyard & H St.



Joshua Tree - Fire Station 3



Desert Hot Springs - Fire Station



Palm Springs - Airport



Inglewood - Union Oil Yard


A preliminary release of these processed data is being made because of their unprecedented long-period content, probably due to the large magnitude of the earthquake. The bandwidth of the data extends beyond the traditional broadest bandwidth used by CSMIP, which dates back to the Caltech Bluebook processing. This bandwidth is 0.05-0.07 to 23-25 Hz, or 0.04 to 15 seconds period. The data appear to have reliable signal beyond 15 seconds period, but we need to extend the noise analysis of the CSMIP digitization system to increase knowledge about the noise in this period range. In the meantime, this preliminary release of the processed data within the traditional 0.04 to 15 sec bandwidth is being made so that users will not be delayed from analyzing the data. We expect the final release to differ inconsequentially in acceleration and response spectra; differences will be small in velocity, but could be important in long-period displacement.