OSMS 85-03

OSMS 85-03

"Standard Tape Format For CSMIP Strong-Motion Data Tapes"

by A.F. Shakal and M.J. Huang

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Strong-motion accelerograms recorded in structures and at ground-response stations are routinely digitized and processed for subsequent analysese by seismological and engineering researchers. The processed data are distributed on magnetic tapes written in a standard format.

The standard tape format described here is an extension of the format originally used for the accelerogram computer tapes distributed by the California Institute of Technology in the early 1970s (Hudson, Trifunac and Brady, 1970 to 1975). The Caltech format (Trifunac and Lee, 1973) was extended somewhat in a series of tapes distributed by the University of Southern California in the late 1970s (Trifunac and Lee, 1979) primarily through the addition of more variable fields. The major differences between the Caltech/USC format and the format described here result from differences in modern instrumentation practice. For example, an additional field is needed for time-of-triggering, frequently known for contemporary accelerograms. In addition, data from remote-sensor structural accelerograph systems require a field describing the location of the sensor in the structure.