Index to Geologic Mapping - Weed

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Aalto, K.R. 1981 Geologic map of the Crescent City quadrangle, Del Norte County, California DMG unpublished, DBAP 62
Aalto, K.R., and Harper, G.D. 1982 Geology of the Coast Ranges in the Klamath and part of the Ship Mountain 15-minute quadrangles, Del Norte County, California DMG OFR 82-16 62
Aalto, K.R., and Kelsey, H.M. 1981 Geologic map of the Tectah Creek 15-minute quadrangle, northern California DMG unpublished, DBAP 62
Aalto, K.R., Cashman, P.H., Cashman, S.M., and Kelsey, H.M. 1981 Geology of the Coast Ranges, Del Norte and northern Humboldt County, California DMG unpublished, DBAP 62
Aalto, K.R., Cashman,P.H., Rodiquez, Z., Fox, C., Stephens, T.A., and Kelsey, H.M. 1981 Geologic map of the Trinidad quadrangle DMG unpublished, DBAP 24
Aalto, K.R., Cashman, P.H., Rodriguez, Z., Fox, C., Stephens, T.A., and Kelsey, H.M. 1981 Geologic map of the Crannell quadrangle DMG unpublished, DBAP 24
Aalto, K.R., Cashman, S.M., Cashman, P.H., Rodiquez, Z., Fox, C., Stephens, T.A., and Kelsey, H.M. 1981 Geologic map of the Orick quadrangle, northern California DMG unpublished, DBAP 24
Allen, C.M. 1981 Intrusive relations and petrology of the Slinkard pluton,central Klamath Mountains, northern California DMG unpublished, DBAP 24
Burton, W.C. 1982 Geology of part of the northeast quarter of the Scott Bar quadrangle, Klamath Mountains, California DMG unpublished, DBAP 24
Cashman, P., and others 1982 Geology of the Coyote Peak 15-minute quadrangle, Humboldt County, California DMG OFR 82-15 62
Cashman, P., Cashman, S., and Kelsey, H.M. 1982 Geology of the Rodgers Peak quadrangle, Humboldt County, California DMG OFR 82-14 24
Cashman, P.H., and Cashman, S.M. 1981 Geology of part of the Hoopa quadrangle, Humboldt County, California DMG unpublished, DBAP 62
Cashman, P.H., and Cashman, S.M. 1981 Geology of part of the Orleans quadrangle, Del Norte, Humboldt, and Siskiyou counties, California DMG unpublished, DBAP 62
Cashman, S.M., and Cashman, S.M. 1982 Reconnaissance geologic map of parts of the Tectah Creek and Ship Mountain quadrangles, northern California DMG unpublished, DBAP 24
Cater, F.W., Jr., and Wells, F.G. 1953 Geology and mineral resources of the Gasquet quadrangle, California-Oregon USGS B 995-C, p. II 50
Chesterman, C.W. 1982 Geologic map of the Cenozoic rocks of the northeastern part of the Weed 1:250,000 scale quadrangle, northern California DMG unpublished, DBAP 62
Christiansen, R.L., and others 1977 Resource appraisal of the Mount Shasta Wilderness Study Area, Siskiyou County, California USGS OF 77-250, fig.3 62
Coleman, R.G., Helper, M.D., and Donato, M.M. 1983 Geologic Map of the Condrey Mountain Roadless Area, Siskiyou County, California USGS MF-1540A 50
Davenport, C.W. 1984 Geology and geomorphic features related to landsliding, Requa 7.5-minute quadrangle, Del Norte County, California DMG OFR 84-08 24
Davenport, C.W. 1984 Geology and geomorphic features related to landsliding, Child's Hill 7.5-minute quadrangle, Del Norte County, California DMG OFR 84-07 24
Davenport, C.W. 1983 Geology and geomorphic features related to landsliding, Hiouchi 7.5-minute quadrangle, Del Norte County, California DMG OFR 83-04 24
Davenport, C.W. 1983 Geology and geomorphic features related to landsliding, High Divide 7.5-minute quadrangle, Del Norte County, California DMG OFR 83-18 24
Davenport, C.W. 1983 Geologic and Geomorphic features related to landsliding, Smith River 7.5' Quadrangle, Del Norte County, California. DMG OFR 83-19 24
Davenport, C.W. 1982 Geology and geomorphic features related to landsliding, Crescent City 7.5-minute quadrangle, Del Norte County, California DMG OFR 82-21 24
Davis, G.A. 1968 Westward thrust faulting in the south-central Klamath Mountains, California GSA Bull. v.79, no.7,
p. 911-939, pl. 1
Davis, G.A., and others 1965 Structure, metamorphism, and plutonism in the south-central Klamath Mountains, California GSA Bull. v.76, no.8,
p. 933-966, pl. 1
Dell'osso, D.R., Falls, J.N. and McGuire D.J. 2003 Maps, GIS Data and Geologic Report for the Watershed Mapping Series, Map Set 6, Redwood Creek Watershed, Humboldt County, California CGS CD 2002-010 24
Donato, M.M. 1992 Preliminary geologic map of the Carberry Creek quadrangle, Oregon and California USGS OF 92-695 24
Donato, M.M. 1993 Preliminary geologic map of the Squaw Lakes quadrangle, Oregon and California USGS OF 93-703 24
Donato, M.M., and others 1982 Geologic map of the Marble Mountains Wilderness Area, Siskiyou County, California USGS MF-1452-A 48
Donato, M.M., Barnes, C.G., and Gray, G.G. 1983 Geologic map of the Orleans Mountain Roadless Area, Humboldt and Siskiyou counties, California USGS MF-1526-A 48
Dorais, M.J. 1982 Geology of the Shelly Lake pluton DMG unpublished, DBAP 24
Ernst, W.G. 1998 Geology of the Sawyers Bar area, Klamath Mountains, Northern California DMG MS 047 48
Field, M.E., Clark, S.H., Jr., and White, M.E 1980 Geology and geologic hazards of offshore Eel River basin, northern California continental margin USGS OF 80-1080, fig. 5 250
Gorman, C.M. 1982 Geologic map of parts of the Ship Mountain NE and Prescott Mountain quadrangles, Del Norte and Siskiyou counties, California DMG unpublished, DBAP 24
Gray, F., and others 1983 Geologic map of the North Fork Smith River Roadless Area, Del Norte County, northern California, and Curry County, Oregon USGS MF-1423-A 62
Gray, F., and Page, N.J. 1985 Geologic map of the Lower Coon Mountain Pluton, Del Norte County, California USGS OF 85-148 24
Gray, G.G. 1981 Reconnaissance geology of the Prospect Hill area, Orleans and Forks of Salmon 15-minute quadrangles, northern California DMG unpublished, DBAP 24
Greene, H.G., andKennedy, M.P. 1989 Geology of the northern California Continental Margin DMG CCM 7
(see B207 for explan.)
Hammond, P.E. 1983 Volcanic formations along the Klamath River near Copco Lake, Siskiyou County, California DMG Calif. Geology
v. 36, no.5, fig.2
Harper, G.D. 1982 Geology of the Goose Creek area, northwestern California DMG unpublished, DBAP   24
Harper, G.D. 1982 Geology of the Shelley Creek area, northwestern California DMG unpublished, DBAP 24
Harper, G.D. 1982 Geology of the Rattlesnake Mountain area, northwestern California California DMG unpublished, DBAP 24
Helper, M. 1981 Structure and petrography of the Condrey Mountain schist, Seiad Valley quadrangle, Klamath Mountains, northern California DMG unpublished, DBAP 24
Hotz, P.E. 1978 Geologic map of the Yreka quadrangle and parts of the Fort Jones, Etna, and China Mountain quadrangles, California USGS OF 78-12 62
Hotz, P.E. 1967 Geologic map of the Condrey Mountain quadrangle and parts of the Seiad Valley and Hornbrook quadrangles, California USGS GQ-0618 62
Hotz, P.E., and others 1982 Mineral resources of proposed additions to the Salmon-Trinity Alps Primitive Area, California USGS B 1514, pl. 1 125
Hotz, P.E., and others 1972 Mineral resources of the Salmon-Trinity Alps Primitive Area, California USGS B 1371-B, pl. 1 125
Jayko, A.S., and Blake, M.C., Jr. 1984 Geologic map of part of the Orleans Mountain Roadless Area, Siskiyou and Trinity counties, California USGS MF-1600-A 48
Kelsey, H.M. 1981 Geologic map of the Fern Canyon 7.5-minute quadrangle DMG unpublished, DBAP 24
Kilbourne, R.T., and Mualchin, L. 1981 Geology for planning: Crescent City and Sister Rocks 7.5-minute quadrangles, Del Norte County, California DMG OFR 81-01 24
Lydon, P.A. 1981 Geology of part of the Shasta quadrangle, California DMG unpublished, DBAP 62
Lydon, P.A. 1982 Reconnaissance geology of part of the Bonanza King and Coffee Creek quadrangles, California DMG unpublished, DBAP 62
Lydon, P.A. 1981 Geology of the Shoeinhorse Mountain quadrangle, California DMG unpublished, DBAP 48
Mack, S. 1960 Geology and ground-water features of Shasta Valley, Siskiyou County, California USGS W 1484, pl. 1 62
Miller, C.D. 1978 Holocene pyroclastic-flow deposits from Shastina and Black Butte, west of Mount Shasta, California USGS Journal of Res.
v. 6, n. 5, fig. 4
Nilsen, T.H., Barats, G.M. Elliot, M.A., and Jones, D.L. 1983 Geologic map of the outcrop area of the Hornbrook Formation, Oregon and California USGS OF 83-373 62
Norman, E.S. 1981 Geologic map of the Summit Valley area, Del Norte County, California DMG unpublished, DBAP 24
Petersen, S.W. 1981 Geology of the Happy Camp-Clear Creek area, Siskiyou County, California DMG unpublished, DBAP 24
Peterson, J.A., and others 1983 Geologic map of the Mount Eddy and Castle Crags Roadless Areas, Shasta, Siskiyou, and Trinity counties, California USGS MF-1529-C 62
Rawson, S.A. 1981 Geology of the Elk Creek area near Happy Camp, north-central Klamath Mountains, California DMG unpublished, DBAP 24
Ristau, D. 1979 Geology and landslides of the Orick 15' quad, CA, CA Dept of Forestry, Title II Data Compilation Project CDF unpublished 62
Ristau, D. 1979 Geology and landslides of the Hoopa 15' Quad, CA, CA Dept of Forestry, Title II Data Compilation Project CDF unpublished 62
Ristau, D. 1979 Geology and landslides of the Trinidad 15' quad, CA, CA Dept of Forestry, Title II Data Compilation Project CDF unpublished 62
Ristau, D. 1979 Geology and landslides of the Orleans 15' quad, CA, CA Dept of Forestry, Title II Data Compilation Project CDF unpublished 62
Ristau, D. 1979 Geology and landslides of the Tectah Creek 15' quad, CA, CA Dept of Forestry, Title II Data Compilation Project CDF unpublished 62
Ristau, D. 1979 Geology and landslides of the Klamath 15' quad, CA, CA Dept of Forestry, Title II Data Compilation Project CDF unpublished 62
Ristau, D. 1979 Geology and landslides of the Ship Mt. 15' quad, CA, CA Dept of Forestry, Title II Data Compilation Project CA Dept of Forestry, Title II Data Compilation Project CDF unpublished 62
Ristau, D. 1979 Geology and landslides of the Cre s cent City 15' quad, CA, CA Dept of Forestry, Title II Data Compilation Project CDF unpublished 62
Ristau, D. 1979 Geology and landslides of the Coyote Peak 15' quad, CA, CA Dept of Forestry, Title II Data Compilation Project CDF unpublished 62
Williams, H. 1949 Geology of the Macdoel quadrangle, California DMG B 151, pl. 1 125
Wood, P.R. 1960 Geology and ground-water features of the Butte Valley region, Siskiyou County, California USGS W 1491 62

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