Naturally Occurring Asbestos in Eastern Sacramento County

On July 7, 2006, the California Department of Conservation’s California Geological Survey (CGS) released a map and accompanying report on the relative likelihood for the presence of naturally occurring asbestos (NOA) in eastern Sacramento County. “Asbestos” is a term used for several naturally occurring fibrous minerals that may be present in certain geologic settings. State, federal, and international health agencies have classified asbestos as a known human carcinogen.

The accompanying report discusses general information about NOA, the geologic basis for the map, the methods used to produce the map, accuracy of the map, and limitations and use of the map. A glossary is also included.

The map and report were prepared for the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District under Interagency Agreement No. 1004-019R.  For general questions on NOA in eastern Sacramento County, please contact the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District.

Download report and map. (3.1 MB PDF file)