FMMP and Agricultural Statistics

​A number of different types of agricultural statistics are collected to determine the status of land or water resources, economic factors, or farming practices.  Questions often arise as to the differences in statistics between one source and another.  Following are brief comparisons of the most commonly cited statistics.   

Source Data Collection Cycle Data Collection Method GIS Data Available?

National Statistics​​​​​​

USDA National
R​esources Inventory​ ​
5 year cycle
(newest national 2017)
photo/field interpretation of sample points no
USDA Censu​s of Agriculture 5 year cycle
(newest 2017)​​​
mailed landowner survey no

California State Statistics

CDFA Agricultural Resource Directory annual county commissioner reports no
DWR Statewide Land Use- Crop Mapping Surveys
annual statewide (2020 latest released)
photo/field interpretation yes
DOC Farmland Mapping Program biennial
(2020 being released by county)
photo/field interpretation yes

Due to the definition of terms and data collection methods, statistics for irrigated land, urbanization, or other factors vary substantially.  Please email FMMP​​​​ if you are working with this data and have specific questions.