Recent Reports and Publications


Williamson Act Status Reports

Until the recent passage of Senate Bill 574​, Williamson Act Status Reports were mandated by Government Code section 51207. The reports provided information to the Legislature and general public on the implementation of the Act by counties and cities. Except for the first two reports, the reports were produced in even numbered years and contain detailed enrollment statistics for the previous two years.​​​

Status ReportYears ReportedAvailability - PDF Format
​2020 - 2021
Availa​ble (1.5 MB)​

FMMP Farmland Conversion Reports

Farmland Conversion Reports are FMMP's primary summary documents associated with each map update.  Statewide, regional and county land use conversion information covers two-year periods.  Summary and Analysis includes comparisons to prior two-year periods. 

Years Reported

Acres Compared (in Millions)

Availability - PDF Format

2016 - 2018
Complete Report​ ​

RCD Assistance Program Publications

The Department of Conservation provides assistance to California’s Resource Conservation Districts (RCDs) in their mission to develop a land stewardship ethic that promotes long-term sustainability of the state’s rich and diverse natural resource heritage. This support includes  information and technical support through publications.

Publication Year


Availability - PDF Format

​Guidebook for Collaboration & Consolidation​
CDOC-guidebook-2019 Final.pdf