Geothermal Injection Reporting Guide

Form: OGG110 Injection

API number:8-digit number assigned by the Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM, formerly DOGGR).
Status:Report the appropriate well status code listed below. To choose the correct code, start at the top, go down the list one-by-one, and select the first code that applies.
  CONV: After receiving approval from CalGEM, the well was converted from a producing well to an injection well, or an injection well to a producing well at any time during the month. A conversion generally happens just once. CONV must be entered on both applicable forms. Report the appropriate water or steam production information on the Geothermal Production Report and the appropriate injection information on the Geothermal Water Injection Report. The total number of days on both reports cannot exceed the number of days in a month.
ABDN:Well was abandoned any time during the month.
TEST:Well was tested for injection.
SHTN:Well did not inject.*
INJN:Well injected water.*

* Report the status of the well on the last day of the month.

Type:Report the appropriate well-type code listed below. To choose the correct code, start at the top and go down the list one-by-one, selecting the first code that applies.
DI:After receiving approval from CalGEM, the well was converted to and is now operated  as a dual-purpose well (i.e. well is completed as both a production and an injection well). Report the appropriate information on the Monthly Water (or Steam) Production Report and the appropriate injection information on the Monthly Water Injection Report. The total number of days on both reports cannot exceed the number of days in a month. DI must be entered on both reports.
CI:Condensate-injection well (reclaimed from a cooling tower).*
SI:Surface-water injection well, i.e., river water, lake water.* 
GI:Groundwater injection well (produced from a water-source well). * 
PI:Produced-water injection well * 
UI:Undifferentiated injection well. Injected water is made up of two or more water types, like produced water and surface water.*

*Report the status of the well on the last day of the month.


The number of calendar days during which steam in commercial quantities was produced from the well. Count production for a fractional part of a day as one day of production. 

Gross Water Injection
Total mass or weight of water injected during the report month. Should be metered at or near the wellhead.

Total dissolved solids in thousand parts per million of the injected fluids. The density data should be typical or average and sampled during a period of stabilized production.

The density of the injected water at the reported temperature and pressure. The density value is used to convert mass or weight units to volumetric units. 

The portion of the form, beginning with the S/T column, includes information that is used to calculate enthalpy, downhole pressure, etc. Report the appropriate code listed below that best describes the manner in which the wellhead readings were recorded. 

T:One or more tests were run during the month. For one test considered to be representative of injection, report the injection rate and corresponding temperature and pressure, during the test, for a point in time assumed to represent stable conditions.
S:The well was on injection for 15 days or more. Wellhead readings should be taken during a period of injection assumed to represent typical or stable conditions. Report the water and steam production rate and corresponding temperature and pressure.
N:The well was shut in for 15 days or more and the well was not tested for injection. Report only the maximum pressure and corresponding temperature recorded during the shut-in period.

Inject rate
When S or T is entered above, report the, instantaneous, water-injection rate.

The corresponding, instantaneous, wellhead temperature. The temperature gauge must be installed on the wellhead downstream of the choke or valve and give the true injection fluid and/or wellhead temperature.

The corresponding, instantaneous, wellhead pressure (gauge pressure). If the well was shut in for 15 days or more and the well was not tested for production, report the maximum pressure and corresponding temperature. The pressure gauge must be installed on the wellhead upstream from the choke or valve and give the true wellhead pressure.