Pipelines and Facilities

After a well produces oil and gas, the produced hydrocarbons move through a production facility which may be comprised of tanks, pressure vessels, pipelines, or other equipment, located at or near the oil field. Operators use the equipment in a production facility to prepare produced oil and gas for sale to refineries or gas utilities by removing solids, water, and other impurities. The Pipelines and Facilities Program in the Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM) oversees operation of this equipment for compliance with applicable law.

Pipelines and facilities oversight is one of many pieces in CalGEM's mission to protect health, safeguard the environment, and advance California's climate and energy goals in the regulation of oil and gas production within the state.

Sespe Oil Field

The Pipelines and Facilities Program uses both engineering staff as well as field inspectors in each local CalGEM district office to ensure that operations, maintenance, and removal or abandonment of oil and gas production equipment and infrastructure comply with applicable statutes and regulations.

Generally, CalGEM regulates all pipelines and facilities located within or near an oil field. The Office of the State Fire Marshal has jurisdiction over certain crude oil pipelines, most of which are located outside oil field boundaries and used for transportation to refineries.

For Operators

Regulated Oil and Gas Facilities

Definition and Jurisdiction

CalGEM regulates all oil and gas production equipment between the wellhead, where oil or gas leaves the ground, and the sales meter, where ownership or custody changes. CalGEM's jurisdiction extends to tanks, pumps, valves, compressors, safety systems, separators, manifolds, pipelines, and other equipment attendant to oil and gas production and injection operations.

Other entities, such as the Department of Industrial Relations or the local Fire Authority, have rules and requirements that establish minimum design standards, construction standards, and operational requirements at the production site, which provide a basic level of safety for workers and the public. 1, 2

CalGEM's statutes and regulations provide additional requirements regarding the production of oil or gas which apply at the production site and in associated production facilities, prior to the oil or gas passing through the sales meter.


1. The California Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Occupational Safety and Health (CalOSHA) also regulates tanks and pressure vessels. Please see Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations for further information, available at this link: Cal/OSHA - Title 8 regulations - Table of Contents.

2. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) prescribes requirements for the storage, handling, and use of flammable and combustible liquids. These requirements are enforced by local authorities. Please see NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, for further information, available at this link: NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code,.

Regulated Oil and Gas Pipelines

Regulations sections 1774, 1774.1, and 1774.2 provide requirements for pipeline construction, testing, and maintenance. Regulations section 1777.2 addresses operator reporting and notification requirements.

CalGEM regulates all oil and gas pipelines between the wellhead, where oil or gas leaves the ground, and the sales meter, where ownership or custody changes. The pipelines regulated by CalGEM transport crude oil, liquid hydrocarbons, combustible gases, and produced water. Newly installed pipelines shall be designed, constructed, and all pipelines shall be tested, operated, and maintained in accordance with good oil field practice and applicable standards. All aboveground pipelines must be inspected annually for leaks and corrosion. Any active pipeline that has a reportable release must be taken out of service, repaired, and must pass pressure testing before it is reactivated and returned to service.

Environmental Protection
Regulations sections 1722, 1722.9, 1773.1, and 1775 provide requirements regarding environmental protection during oil and gas production.

Three components of CalGEM's environmental protection program are spill contingency plans, secondary containment measures, and the use of sumps and catch basins. Each operator must prepare and submit a Spill Contingency Plan documenting prevention and response to unauthorized releases of fluid and other substances. Secondary containment is an engineered impoundment that is designed to capture fluid released from an oil or gas production facility, such as a tank or vessel. A sump or pit is an open excavation used for collecting or storing fluids used or produced from oil and gas operations. A catch basin is a dry sump that is constructed to protect against unplanned overflow conditions.


Regulations section 1770 provides the requirements for Oilfield Sumps.

Out-of-Service Surface Production Facilities and Removal

Regulations section 1773.5 contains requirements for Out-of-Service Production Facilities, and Regulations section 1776 contains requirements for Well Site and Lease Restoration. Regulations section 1777.2 addresses operator reporting and notification requirements.

Out-of-Service production facility equipment, such as tanks, vessels, or pipelines can no longer safely contain fluid or operate as designed. CalGEM has prescribed specific requirements for the maintenance, inspection, and decommissioning of Out-of-Service equipment. The requirements for managing Out-of-Service production equipment are below.

Facilities, Tank, and Pipeline Status Chart

Mapping, GIS, and WellSTAR

Mapping the locations of pipelines, tanks, and vessels is an ongoing project at CalGEM. In accordance with Regulations section 1774.2 (Pipeline Management Plans), operators are required to maintain a list and maps of all pipelines that indicate which lines pass through sensitive areas, environmentally sensitive areas, urban areas, and designated waterways. Regulations section 1760 contains definitions of sensitive areas and environmentally sensitive areas.

New rulemaking is underway that will require operators to submit mapping information and locational data, including pipeline characteristics, in digital form for active gas pipelines in sensitive areas and oil pipelines in environmentally sensitive areas. This information will be added to CalGEM's Pipeline Mapping System (CPMS), a Geographic Information System (GIS) that CalGEM developed and maintains to assist with regulating high risk pipelines. CPMS is part of CalGEM's electronic well data management system called WellSTAR, which stands for Well Statewide Tracking and Reporting.

Using WellSTAR, operators can also review and update the location of tanks and vessels associated with their operations. This information can be viewed on maps that access CPMS and other CalGEM GIS information. CalGEM's objective is to locate and map all production facilities associated with oil and gas operations in California, and, along with their basic characteristics, identify them within GIS and WellSTAR.

Operators are encouraged to use WellSTAR to review production facility data for their operations, update as needed any existing data, and input any new or missing data.

Additional Information