The SMGB administers certain lead agency responsibilities and obligations pursuant to SMARA (Public Resources Code Section 2710 et seq.) for El Dorado County, and will be conducting a vested rights determination (CCR Section 3950 et seq.) for the surface mining operation known as the Big Cut Mine, located in El Dorado County. Notice is hereby given that the SMGB proposes to hold a public hearing on April 15, 2010, in order to consider whether the proposed Big Cut Mine surface mining operation has vested rights in accordance with the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975 (SMARA), pursuant to Public Resources Code Division 2, Chapter 9, Article 5, Section 2776. Copies of the Administrative Record are available for review at both the SMGB Offices (801 K Street, Suite 2015, 20th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814), or at the El Dorado County Planning Department (2850 Fairlane Court, Placerville, CA 95667).
The Public Hearing is scheduled to take place on April 15, 2010.
This meeting will take place at:
Board of Supervisor’s Hearing Room
County Government Center, Building A
330 Fair Lane
Placerville, CA 95667
January 2010 --
Further Notice of Pending Determination
May 2009 --
Notice of Pending Determination