Keali’i Bright, who has an extensive background in California natural resources and environmental policy development, joined the Department of Conservation as assistant director in charge of the
Division of Land Resource Protection on December 3, 2019.
Bright had served as Deputy Secretary for Climate and Energy at the California Natural Resources Agency since November 2016. In that role, he was responsible for agency-related climate adaptation, natural and working land carbon management, energy and oil production, and Salton Sea programs.
From 2011-2016, Bright served as Deputy Secretary for Legislative Affairs at the Natural Resources Agency. He held several positions for the California Assembly Budget Committee from 2001 to 2011, including senior consultant, committee consultant and committee assistant.
Bright earned his bachelor’s degree in Latin American and Latino Studies at the University of Santa Cruz. After graduation, he lived in Latin America for a time, taught in California K-12 schools, and worked with various non-profits.