Borehole Database Table Structures

Entity Relationship Diagram:

An entity relationship diagram for the borehole database is available at:

Entity Relationship Diagram


Table Name: sample_location

Description: General information about the site where the subsurface investigation was conducted. Each investigation is assigned a unique name (official_name) based on a batch number, a sequence number within the batch and the USGS code for the 7.5 minute quadrangle that the investigation is located in.

official_nameUnique sample location name generated by SHMPchar20
well_nameSample location name assigned by staffchar20
data_sourceSource of datachar32
report_noReport or file number from sourcechar10
site_nameSite identification namechar50
site_idSite identification codechar10
job_numberInvestigator job numberchar10
longitudeLongitude at ground surface (NAD 27 datum)doubledec deg
latitudeLatitude at ground surface (NAD 27 datum)doubledec deg
ref_elevationReference elevationdoubleft
total_depthTotal depth of welldoubleft

Table Name: excavation_compl

Description: Information about how the well was completed.

official_nameUnique sample location name generated by SHMPchar20
well_nameSample location name assigned by staffchar20
excav_comp_dateDate (YYYY-MM-DD) drilling/excavation completedinteger
excavation_methodMethod fo drilling/excavationchar32
hole_diameterDiameter of holedoublein
casing_typeType of casingchar32
casing_inner_diamCasing inner diameterdoublein

Table Name: fluid_pen

Description: Information about the fluid penetrations for a well. Since a well may have more than one fluid contact, the combination of official_name, fluid_name and top_depth must be unique.

official_nameUnique sample location name generated by SHMPchar20
well_nameSample location name assigned by staffchar20
fluid_nameName of fluid contactchar32
top_depthDepth to top contactdoubleft
bottom_depthDepth to bottom contactdoubleft
fc_dateFluid contact date (YYYY-MM-DD)integer

Table Name: lithology

Description: Information about lithologic descriptions and qualifiers as recorded or interpreted from the log. The combination of official_name, lith_type and top_depth must be unique.

official_nameUnique sample location name generated by SHMPchar20
well_nameSample location name assigned by staffchar20
layer_numberNumeric value assigned to an intervalinteger
top_depthDepth to top of layerdoubleft
bottom_depthDepth to bottom of layerdoubleft
lith_typeLithology codechar6

Table Name: sample_data

Description: Basic information about the sample intervals recorded for a log such as the type of sampler and sample equipment. Each sample interval recorded from the log is assigned a sample id and the top and bottom depths as interpreted from the log are recorded. The combination of official_name and sample_id must be unique.

official_nameUnique sample location name generated by SHMPchar20
well_nameSample location name assigned by staffchar20
sample_idSample identificationchar12
top_depthDepth to top of sampledoubleft
bottom_depthDepth to bottom of sampledoubleft
lith_typeLithology code for core samplechar6
sample_equipmentEquipment used to collect samplechar32
remarksremarks Description/commentschar80

Table Name: sample_analysis

Description: Information that describes the results of any lab tests that were run on the sample intervals. For each record in sample_data there may be zero or more records in sample_analysis, i.e. one sample interval may be analyzed for dry density, moisture content, grain size etc. The combination of official_name, sample_id and parameter_name must be unique.

official_nameUnique sample location name generated by SHMPchar20
well_nameSample location name assigned by staffchar20
sample_idSample identificationchar12
top_depthDepth to top of sampledoubleft
parameter_nameParameter measuredchar32
parameter_valueReported result of the testdouble
parameter_unitsReported units of measurechar8

Table Name: pen_test_results

Description: Information concerning the results of any penetration tests conducted in the boring along with several parameters of the penetration test itself, such as hammer type, hammer mass, etc. The penetration test results are stored as one of three possible types: 1) true SPT tests (conforming to ASTM D1586 standards), 2) SPT "equivalent" tests where the operator has already done some conversion of raw blow counts and 3) raw blow_counts. The combination of official_name and sample_id must be unique.

official_nameUnique sample location name generated by SHMPchar20
well_nameSample location name assigned by staffchar20
sample_idSample identificationchar12
top_depthDepth to top of sampledoubleft
bottom_depthDepth to bottom of sampledoubleft
hammer_typeType of hammerchar32
hammer_massMass of hammerreal
hammer_fallFree fall of hammerreal
blow_countNumber of blows per footreal
spt_equivalentEquivalent SPT blows/ftreal
nmBlow count, SPT, ASTM D1586real
test_dateDate of test (YYYY-MM-DD)integer
remarksremarks Description/commentschar80